Sweet and Sophisticated Aromas: Indulge on the earth of Sabrina Wood worker’s fragrances, where playful confectionary notes blend seamlessly with sweet sophistication, creating memorable scent experiences that capture Sabrina’s artistic essence and love for storytelling
Captivating Sweet Fragrance: Revel in the very best blend of sweet and sophistication with this signature gourmand fragrance that mixes candied ginger, chocolate marshmallow, milky vanilla, and Chantilly cream
Signature Bottle: To be had in a convenient Eau de Parfum bottle, best for day by day wear and on-the-go touch-ups
Celebrity-Backed Elegance: Immerse yourself within the sophistication and audacious charm of Sabrina Wood worker with this exclusive perfume that embodies her personal and artistic evolution
About Scent Good looks: Redefining the perfume industry, making waves to redefine fragrance as scent, and creating sustainably-sourced formulas in collaboration with celebrities, designers, and perfumers